Thursday, January 22, 2009

Today I decided that my lack of interest in anything other than my bellybutton was making me out to be a boring bird, indeed. To remedy that ill feeling, I decided to subscribe to a few blogs, do some research on my FAVORITE haunted/tasty/musical tourist town (Eureka Springs, Arkansas), and catch up with an old chum from high school.
I just can't let this winter be like those recently past....


coinguyslady said...

Thanks for stoping by my blog and come back anytime.Do you get to Eureka Springs Very much?

Felina said...

Nae, not at all! The last time I was there was in 2005, during a brief spring visit to my parents. They were helping me scope out real estate, but nothing came to fruition....which was okay, considering that my story took a severe turn to the left after that trip!
By any chance, do you have one of those spectacular refurbished victorians that dot the hillside?